This project is a collaboration with the artist Tomer Azulay
Driven by my own personal obsessions, which often mirror that of human history and specifically my geographical, ethnical and political area of ‘provenance’, my projects are often based on and in “residencies”. These are abandoned private buildings – random spots in the city, a-historical neglected monuments of a long forgotten marginal past. I enter these spaces, and activate a kind of painterly archaeology, while mapping the strata of these buildings’ long histories and hidden domestic traces. The work in the building involves the crumbling and peeling walls and the geology of the structure that exposes the crusted layers of paint on its walls and the moldings that glimpse through the falling plaster. Signs of domesticity alongside neglect and disintegration become phantom images, leftovers from those who populated the house in its final years. The main technique I used was removing layers of paint of the wall and transferring them onto a canvas in varying size. The wall fragments carry the traces of their work in the building: sanding, peeling, etching, and engraving, actions that add another layer to that of the marks of the time and disintegration and with that – give the walls another future.